Sunday, September 2, 2007


When we arrived in White Rock, SC, at 2 am on Friday, the twins awoke (the car had stopped moving!) and didn't go back to sleep until 4 am. Then they awoke again at 8 am, so sleepy Mommy and Daddy decided to seize the cooler air and took a stroller ride over to Grandma and Grandpa Baumgartner's house, only a "stone's throw" from our guest house, where we introduced the twins to their grandparents for the first time--and took lots of pictures.

On Saturday (Aug. 18), we gathered at the New Life Chapel at the Lowman Home ( for the baptismal service. Eric's dad, Rev. Hugh Baumgartner (who is a spry 86 years old), poured the sacramental water on his grandchildren's heads while Eric's brother, Rev. Paul Baumgartner (also very spry--and considerably younger than 86 years old!), presided over the service and anointed the twins' heads with oil. Mommy and Daddy are grateful that both could perform the service for us, and we value the sacrament of baptism. As the Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship says:

As we present Chance Leo and Grace Lily for baptism, we "are entrusted with gifts and responsibilities to live with them among God's faithful people, bring them to the word of God and the holy supper, and nurture them in faith and prayer, so that they may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace among all people."

Both babies were alert and cheery, though Chance "talked" through much of the service. (Grace demurely sucked on her pacifier.) Afterward, our "active" little boy decided to pull Mommy's hair for the pictures (see below)! Following the service, about 28 Baumgartners, Grandpa and Grandma Boespflug (Jenny's family who flew down from Albany, NY), Julie Young (our "Aunt JuJu" who drove up from Charleston), and Liz and Russ Merritt (dear friends who drove from N. Augusta) enjoyed a feast together, a gift from Uncle Andy and Aunt Nancy Baumgartner--thanks very much, y'all! Delish!

Photos Below:

(L to R): Pastor Paul Baumgartner (Eric's brother); Pastor Hugh E. Baumgartner (Eric's dad); Pastor Lyerly (Lowman Home Chaplain); Jenny and Grace (with Chance pulling her hair); Eric and ChanceGrandad and Grandma Baumgartner with us on Sunday afternoon after the baptisms.

Grandma Baumgartner holding Grace who fell asleep on her shoulder.

Grandpa Boespflug holding Chance who fell asleep on his lap (several times over the weekend!).

1 comment:

A, K, E & S said...

Happy Re-Birthday, Chance and Grace!
Looking Good-