Thursday, May 15, 2008

Holden's Birthday Party

Last Saturday, we went to Julie's nephew's birthday celebration at the fabulous James Island County Park. The handsome birthday boy, Holden, is being held by his Mommy, Stephanie, in this photo, and Julie (Aunt JuJu) is holding Chance.

Aunt JuJu taught Chance to pick his nose (Thanks, Aunt JuJu! ha ha).
Aunt JuJu tried to coax Chance into walking, which he has been doing more frequently but wouldn't do then. Perhaps because it was 90 degrees outside or because he and Gracie were having too much fun playing with Holden's cars and trucks in the dirt -- Gracie might even have some dirt on her lip in the top photo below (hey, germs build their immune systems, ya know?! See last Sunday's Parade magazine, says my mom), and she definitely has a bunch on her legs and bottom (see photo)!

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