Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy Half Birthday!

Our twins turned 6 months old on Oct. 11! To celebrate, we sang "Happy Birthday" to them--and then took them to get their immunizations. Ha! They actually got their shots several days later, on Monday, Oct. 15, when we also said good-bye to our wonderful pediatrician, Toren Anderson. (Mommy forgot to bring the camera to get a picture of their first pediatrician. I know--a bit oversentimental, but I'm a new mommy!) Though both Chance and Grace cried briefly, this round of immunizations seemed to go better than the last two, praise God. Of course, we medicated them with Tylenol every 4 hours for at least 24 hours following!

Below are their measurements and percentiles from the doc. They're still "small," but they're thriving very well. Perhaps Gracie is just petite, like her Mommy; we can shop in petite stores together someday (thanks to Laurie Roe's blog, I've learned lots about petites:!

Weight 15.3 oz. (10th percentile); Length 27.5 in. (75th per.); Head circum. 17 1/6 (50th per.)

Weight 12.10 oz. (3rd per.); Length 26 in. (50th per.); Head circum. 16 3/4 (30th per.)

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