Monday, April 28, 2008

"Hello!" from Gracie

Grace, our oh-so-verbal baby girl of barely 1 year old, now "talks" on the phone, even answering it with a "hello!" (The rest of the conversation is usually indecipherable. :) She often picks up a phone, either an actual phone or a baby phone, unprompted by anyone else and says "hello"--though in this video, Mommy asks her who is on the phone. We wonder what those teenage years will be like, or maybe we don't have to wonder!

More words she SAYS (and understands): "bubble," "bath," (and crawls to the bathtub as soon as we say it), "all done" (and moves her hands in an attempt to communicate this via sign language), "cracker," "no," "yes," "ball," "truck," "bear," "cup," "milk," "puff," "hello," "Papa" (for Grandpa), "bye bye," "dog," "okay," "nose," "beep," "Dada," "night-night," "yay!" (and claps), "go," "duck," "car," "oh!" "uh oh!" "bubba" (for her brother Chance)

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