Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Eyes of Grace: spasmus nutans

First, a few pics of our Amazing Grace . . .

We eat Dove dark chocolate squares 'round here (if ya couldn't tell).
Making brownies with Grandpa and Grandma Boespflug while in Edisto (nice hat, Grandpa).

At the beach with Aunt Manda.

Finally a diagnosis for Gracie's eyes: spasmus nutans.

Our pediatric opthamologist, Dr. Saunders at the MUSC Storm Eye Inst., evaluated her today (Thurs. 4/2) and diagnosed her with this disorder, a self-limiting type of nystagmus. No treatment. It typically goes away within during the first few years of life. But Mommy and Daddy are still researching it and trying to understand it . . .

At least it's not neurological. We were relieved when Grace was discharged from the pediatric neurologist on Jan. 12 this year (she had an EEG last fall--horrible experience). Dr. Greisemer, at MUSC, never said he saw her eyes shimmer, but he did say that Gracie's "oscillating" (his word) eyes were not neurologically related. He surmised that her optic nerve wasn't fully developed at birth and has been continuing to develop since. He gave her the diagnosis of nystagmus and referred us to a vision therapist. So, we saw Dr. Draisin ( and told him the neurologist's diagnosis of nystagmus. He gave us some exercises to do at home, but they were unrealistic for a 1.5 yr old (involved wearing a patch over one eye).

Today, though, Dr. Saunders (who prescribed her glasses in Sept. of last yr), solved the puzzle that Mommy has been worrying over since Grace's birth. It's good to have a diagnosis. A name. Mommy made this appt because Gracie had been removing her glasses and Daddy said she seemed to see better without them. So, it's no surprise that the doc also decreased her prescription, and the gal at the frame place says she needs larger frames . . . Mommy's translation: her eyesight is improving and she's growing. God is so generous with His grace (pun intended)!

CHANCE: Today, at naptime, Chance declined Mommy's offer to rock him to sleep. A first! Since birth, Chancey has wanted Mommy--during those "comfort times" when he's hurt or when he's sleepy (fervently protesting, with loud wails and tears, when Daddy offers to put him to bed), or just cuddly. But today, he wanted to play instead of nap. Allllllll boy. His humor shows more and more, and it seems that he finds a way to turn even the commonest daily activities into a game. He's a blast. Carpe diem, my Chance T-storm!
See the mischief, people? Do ya see it?

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